To treat the teeth is always a little unsettling: whether it will hurt, whether the drugs are safe, whether the procedures are correctly chosen. To treat the teeth of a pregnant woman is even more exciting, since it depends not only on the health of the mother, but also on the child. Let’s figure out at what stages dental treatment during pregnancy is safe and how to properly care for the oral cavity in anticipation of the baby.
How does pregnancy affect the condition of the mouth?
Changing the diet, nausea, toxicosis, hormonal surges – all this is stress for the teeth and gums. The hormones estrogen and progesterone make the gums especially sensitive to plaque, causing them to become inflamed – this is the so-called gingivitis of pregnant women. In rare cases, even small tumors are formed, which are known as fibromas (or granulomas) of pregnant women. As a rule, they are not dangerous and after the birth of the child dissolve by themselves.
Why is it important to take care of your teeth and gums during pregnancy?
Studies have shown that there is a definite relationship between premature birth, low birth weight and gingivitis. Bacteria from the gums can get into the blood, and through it get to the uterus. In such cases, a chemical reaction is triggered, leading to an increase in the level of prostaglandins – active substances that can cause premature contractions.
How to keep teeth and gums healthy in pregnant women
Do not rush to panic: there are some simple measures that will help you avoid trouble. The most important thing is how to follow the teeth, and especially behind the gum line. It is important to brush your teeth with fluoride paste at least twice a day, and best after every meal. Do not forget to use floss every day. A healthy diet, products with vitamins C and B12 also play an important role. Keep in mind: the less plaque, the less likely the inflammation of the gums and the appearance of tumors. Also, do not forget that professional cleaning of the plaque in the dentist’s office effectively relieves plaque and thereby prevents gingivitis.
The mouthwash is not only resistant to plaque formation, but also strengthens the teeth. In its composition essential oils of herbs and plants – so it is safe for pregnant women. The rinse aid is convenient to carry around and use it during the day when it is not possible to brush your teeth and you need to refresh your breath or get rid of the unpleasant aftertaste. After rinsing your mouth before going to bed, you will protect your gums from inflammation, and your teeth – from plaque and caries.
Do I have to go to the dentist?
You should contact a dentist as soon as you realize that you are pregnant. It is important to schedule an appointment before the end of the first trimester. The doctor will assess the condition of the teeth and make a program of treatment or prevention for the remaining months. This approach will allow you to keep healthy teeth and get rid of unnecessary risks for yourself and your future child.
Dental treatment during pregnancy
Contrary to popular belief, teeth can be treated during pregnancy.
As a rule, planned procedures are allowed throughout the entire pregnancy, but it is best to do this from the fourth to the sixth month. But x-rays during pregnancy are very dangerous, so if there is no serious threat to health, it is better to transfer them to the period after the birth of the child.
When should I urgently run to the doctor?
It often happens that during pregnancy you postpone a trip to a specialist, because I’m not sure if you can be treated. This is dangerous: there are many causes of pain, and only the dentist can judge their seriousness. After the diagnosis is made, the doctor will suggest a scheme whereby pregnant women can be treated with teeth. In acute pain and in emergency situations, when it is necessary to remove the tooth, it is permissible to take measures in any trimester. Thanks to modern techniques you will not have to endure the pain: today, pregnant women are treated with teeth with anesthesia.
Image credit: DariuszSankowski