What Are Dental Veneers, Their Advantages And Disadvantages

What Are Dental Veneers, Their Advantages And Disadvantages

A beautiful smile that opens flawless teeth is one of the conditions for a person’s attractiveness. Long-term treatment and restoration of teeth are not always the best solution.

The best solution to the problem for busy people and for people who want to quickly get a dazzling smile will be veneers, for the installation of which requires 2-3 visits to the dentist.

Features of products

Installation of dental veneers, which are thin high-strength plates that are fixed on the surface of damaged teeth, allows you to completely transform the appearance of a person, increase her attractiveness.

An important advantage of veneers, which are an alternative to crowns, is the low trauma to the tissues of the teeth.

They hide certain shortcomings:

  • incorrect placement of teeth;
  • spots on the teeth;
  • notches between teeth;
  • chipped teeth;
  • cracked teeth, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • variety of shades of dental veneers;
  • the process of installing veneers is painless;
  • materials used for making veneers (ceramics, composite, zirconium) are hypoallergenic and do not affect human health;
  • dental veneers are resistant to all kinds of food dyes;
  • veneers do not get plaque;
  • after installation, patients have no feeling of discomfort or the presence of a foreign body in the mouth.

The advantage of installing veneers is the ability to maintain healthy tooth tissue during the procedure.


  • a relatively short life of overlays (depending on a manufacturing material);
  • cost of overlays;
  • the presence of some contraindications (malocclusion, etc.).

Varieties of dental veneers:

  • Zirconium veneers have high strength. Zirconium veneers serve up to 20 years without changing the color of the enamel and without losing quality.
  • Ceramic veneers for a long time do not lose aesthetics and functionality. Overlays are steady against differences in temperatures and mechanical influence.

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