Best and Worst Foods for Your Teeth

Best and Worst Foods for Your TeethDo you want to strengthen your teeth? We have a list of products that they use and those you need to avoid like fire. You will be surprised!
Do you think you eat well, take care of oral hygiene, and yet have weak teeth? Most likely you are doing something wrong, somewhere you are making a mistake. Because – as we know – the devil is in the details …
This data is shocking but also surprising! Almost half of Poles aged 65-74 have no single tooth. In the group below the age of 35, the average number of missing teeth is 8.

If you do not want to increase the infamous statistics of toothless Poles, you have to properly take care of your teeth. Only what does it actually mean?
What is the purpose of strengthening teeth?

Seemingly simple. And probably you could easily exchange the things that serve teeth:

  • a suitable rich diet, among others in calcium
  • systematic hygiene, or thorough brushing at least twice a day
  • regular descaling and fluoridation
  • regular reviews and treatment, because caries likes to move from one tooth to the next
  • avoidance of drugs, in particular antibiotics, which greatly weaken the bones, and teeth in particular
  • teeth whitening

Each of these statements, however, is only a general that needs to be added. Because what does it mean to “brushes your teeth”? Fly across the tiles?

Proper brushing requires thorough scrubbing of all surfaces, which usually takes 2-3 minutes. The toothbrush needs to be replaced every 3 months. Because it is her, and not the paste, that is the main role in oral hygiene.

You also need to clean the interdental spaces with floss, because the brush will not always reach all corners, where remains of food remain. It also does not hurt to rinse your mouth with oral hygiene fluid.

It’s roughly because, for example, after eating the fruit, it’s good to wait about half an hour before we brush your teeth. Otherwise, enamel demineralization occurs.

Complicated, right?

Products that will strengthen your teeth
It’s no different with diet. The body is quite a complicated machinery and eating rich calcium products is not enough for the calcium to penetrate the bone and strengthen the teeth. There are many other ingredients that, for example, promote or impair its absorption into the bone.

So if you want to strengthen your teeth, your white list should include:

If the body does not get as much calcium as it needs, it reaches for the reserves accumulated in the bones. And weakened teeth break down more easily. You need 1200 mg of this element daily.


Calcium effectively strengthens teeth only in combination with fluoride. He also likes the company of vitamin D3, which increases its absorption by the body. Most of the calcium is, of course, in dairy products (2 percent milk glass contains about 290 mg), especially in goat’s milk and in yellow cheeses. Therefore, vegetarians may have problems with strengthening their teeth.

Fish are also a great source of calcium. Because besides calcium they contain a lot of phosphorus and vitamin D3 blocking the production of parathormone – a hormone that inhibits the absorption of calcium.
Eating fish on the occasion we provide the body with Omega-3 fatty acids that support the absorption of calcium.


Not all fish are equally valuable. The most valuable are greasy sea fish, herring or mackerel. In addition, the most calcium is in the spines and bones of the fish, therefore, apart from fresh fish it is often worth reaching for sardines, canned sprats or smoked ones and eat them whole.

Theoretically, all fruits are “good” for teeth. They contain a lot of vitamin C and bone strengthening minerals.


Most of them are also rich in sugar, which feeds the bacteria in the mouth and bad fruit for the enamel. Therefore, the safest choice when strengthening teeth are apples, which have much less acids than e.g. citrus or cherries. They also do not have membranes and pips that can be stuck in interdental spaces and do not adhere to tiles such as bananas. In addition, the biting of hard fruits perfectly massages the gums, so that the teeth become stronger.


Vegetables are a great source of nutrientsVegetables are a great source of nutrients.


However, it is best to eat them raw. Not only because, like hard fruits, they massage while gnawing gums. Unlike fruits, they do not contain acids and sugars. And some vegetables eaten raw, like kohlrabi, carrots, radishes or celery, additionally remove plaque and plaque.

Tea generally does not serve teeth.


The exception is green. Her glass delivers up to 0.2 mg of fluorine. In addition, it strengthens the enamel and, in contrast to black tea, hinders the formation of plaque. The polyphenols contained in it, in turn, inhibit the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity.

Products that damage your teeth
Simply enriching your diet with products that serve teeth, however, is not enough to strengthen and protect them sufficiently. At the same time, it is worth giving up some products.

Your blacklist should include:

The main component that destroys and weakens teeth is sugar, which feeds bad bacteria in the mouth. Regardless of whether it is sugar, which we sweeten tea, or the one that is compact in fruit or honey. So it would be best to eat as little sugar as possible. And if we want to take pleasure from time to time, choose those that do not stick to the teeth, such as fudge or stay in the mouth for a long time, such as lollipops.

Threatening to the condition of your teeth are also all products containing a lot of salt, such as fast food and chips. Salt increases the excretion of calcium from the body. 6 g per day is the maximum you can afford if you want to have strong teeth (this is me a spoon more, including salt added to dishes or bread).

You should also avoid products containing oxalates like sorrel, spinach, rhubarb, beetroot or beets. The oxalates have it to themselves that they bind with calcium in the digestive tract and make it difficult to absorb.

Black tea and coffee not only abound in oxalates inhibiting the absorption of calcium. They also favor (like cigarettes), deposition of sediment and stone on the teeth.

In turn, cola and other sweet drinks contain a lot of sugar, so they feed bacteria that destroy teeth. Cola and so-called energy drinks also increase the excretion of calcium in the urine.

If you want to drink a cola, like in the case of sugar-rich juices, drink it through a straw. Thanks to this, at least you protect the teeth against their direct impact.

It is good for the digestive tract, but not necessarily for the teeth. It contains a lot of hindering the absorption of calcium phytates.

Although they contain a wholesome protein, they also have a lot of phosphorus, which in greater amounts competes with calcium, hindering its absorption. As much as we can afford when we want to strengthen bones, it’s about 75 grams of meat products a day.

The secret power of seaweed
They are not as popular with us as in Asian countries, e.g. Japan. It’s a pity. They contain an extremely high amount of calcium, phosphorus and fluorine. In addition, on the surface of the algae are bacteria that produce enzymes that protect teeth against the development of caries and oral mucosal infections.

Picture Credit: klimkin, geralt